OMV included in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index

OMV has entered the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI World), making it the only Austrian company included. The index was launched in 1999 and serves as a benchmark for investors who integrate sustainability considerations into their portfolios. The Dow Jones Sustainability™ World Index comprises the top 10% of the largest 2,500 companies in the S&P Global Index in terms of sustainability leadership, based on the assessment of long-term economic, environmental and social criteria.
“We are proud that our extensive sustainability efforts, which are part of our strategy as well as our daily operations, have also been recognized by leading ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) rating agencies. This achievement confirms our commitment to producing and marketing oil and gas in a most responsible way while contributing to the transition to the new energy era”, said Rainer Seele, CEO and Chairman of the Executive Board of OMV.
Manjit Jus, Head of ESG Ratings at RobecoSAM: “I congratulate OMV for being included in the DJSI World. Companies that compete for a coveted place in the DJSI challenge themselves to continuously improve their sustainability practices and we are pleased to see that the number of companies that commit to achieving measurable positive impacts continues to rise.”
OMV’s excellence in its Environmental, Social and Governance performance has also been confirmed by the Prime Status that the company achieved after the latest assessment by ISS-oekom. OMV has also maintained the AAA score from MSCI for the sixth time in a row. With these external recognitions, OMV is among the global sector leaders in sustainability.
Additionally, OMV is listed on the following sustainability indices: FTSE4Good Index Series, Euronext Vigeo index – Eurozone 120, STOXX® Global ESG Leaders, Ethibel Sustainability Index and ECPI Indexes.
More information on OMV’s sustainability approach can be found at: