OMV Global

Emergency Management

With over 50 years of experience in the exploration and production industry, OMV New Zealand takes a world’s best practice approach to emergency management and we are proud of our safety record and preparedness.  In New Zealand and internationally, continuous training is part of our business and corporate standards and we are committed to industry best practice standards to minimise risk.  

OMV New Zealand has a dedicated Emergency Management Team and also undertake regular emergency management drills and exercises designed to test operational emergency response and readiness.   We work closely with New Zealand’s offshore regulators to regularly test our approach to emergency management. Safety is the heart of our business and our vision of Zero Harm, No Losses is our number one priority – this means no harm to people or the environment.

In the unlikely event of an emergency at one of our facilities, emergency services will assist with emergency response on site, as well as any evacuation of the facilities and neighbours, if required. If you notice any situation at our facilities that looks suspicious or unsafe, please contact emergency services on 111 or OMV NZ on 0800 456 800.

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